3 Ways to Create the Community You’re Craving as a High-achieving Professional

Are you wanting your brand to take off? 

Is there a desire you have that is not being met?

There is a difference between having a highly valuable skillset and building a community and an audience.

 The reason I am bringing this forth is because I get to work with some of the highest achieving and prolific professionals.

  • They have been pacesetters in their professions. 👟⚡️

  • They have risen through the ranks. 👏

  • They have made their marks. 🎯

They are so used to being excellent, that it comes as a surprise when clients, community building, and audience engagement and growth are not mirroring their former success straight out of the gates.

 I understand how hard this is. It creates a good bit of dissonance and can begin to erode the decision to go out on their own and to do their dream.

But here is the truth and what I extend with love to them:

Growing a community requires warmth, accessibility, and connection. This is a brand new space, and adopting a new mindset is crucial.


Here are 3 Ways to Create the Community You’re Craving as a High-achieving Professional:

ONE: Accept that you are a beginner.

Take yourself back mentally to your beginner self in your profession and learn from her! Was she determined? Brave? Positive? Spend some time journaling about her and even find a picture if you can.

TWO: Nail your branding.

Spend even just a little time creating and cultivating your branding, whether working with a professional or going the DIY route. Aim for choosing 3-4 brand colors that you will use consistently.

Get some professional headshots done or dive into a branding photoshoot.

Create a text slide in Canva where you can maintain your fonts and colors.

Treat this the same way you would treat an important part of your career and education because it now is an important part of it.

THREE: Do “the things” - have a clear opt in, an email list, and set yourself up to receive.

Take the time to establish your base and feeling lost won’t be the case! Make sure you are “open” 24 hours a day for people to be served by your brand through email, useful blog posts, social media, podcasts, videos, and more.

Get into healthy rhythms in the week or month so that your pathways are already created.

If you’re loving this, I’m here to help! Scroll down to the bottom of this page for my Free Authentic Brand Journal to dive deep and get your own answers out on the page so you can execute from a place of clarity & vision. It’s beloved and used every week in my community!

P.S. I have ONE SPOT open for 1:1 mentoring with me in 2024. Send me a DM if you are a small business owner and would like the link to learn more.


Hi, I’m Rachel. I've always been focused on the possibilities of living a quietly courageous life.

I am a Gentle Business & Sales Mentor. I offer a softer, simpler approach to marketing and growing your brand.

I live outside of Richmond, VA with my husband, our 4-lb toy poodle, and our two children.


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