Home Maintenance Printable

This may seem off the beaten path for me to be sharing here, but if you know me, being a joy-filled mother and homemaker is a huge part of my life!

We are an Acton family, and I have been learning so much in this process.

One of the aspects I admire about our micro-school experience is witnessing the personal responsibility that is instilled in learners (they are called this as opposed to students).

In each studio (called this as opposed to the classroom) the children maintain the space taking a portion of time in the afternoon to check what job they have for the day, to work as a team, and to complete their maintenance jobs within the timeframe.

This looks like cleaning the bathroom (yes!), vacuuming, washing the dishes in the sink, folding blankets, putting furniture back, reshelving books, and more.

I decided to adopt a similar practice in our home for our family.

We put on our timer and dive into our tasks.

It feels so nice to have help and to instill teamwork in our own home.

If you would like your own printable to try this at home, click the button below. Let me know how it goes for you!


You can use sticky notes to place each person’s name next to their task or you can make little cards like I did.


By switching them around, each person learns to have an appreciation for each job.

Full disclosure: It doesn’t always go perfectly every time, and I end up encouraging and helping, but getting into the practice of this is what’s most important to me.


Hi, I’m Rachel. I've always been focused on the possibilities of living a quietly courageous life.

I am a Gentle Business & Sales Mentor. I offer a softer, simpler approach to marketing and growing your brand.

I live outside of Richmond, VA with my husband, our 4-lb toy poodle, sweet kitty, and our two children.


The realization that you can love something, you don’t just have to like it


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