3 Tips for Making The Leap

Making the leap to working for myself became much more simple when I became clear.

Here is what I mean when I say that:

I needed to earn $3,500 a month to leave my job. I am sharing this because the current world loves to glamorize massive numbers and flashy success, but this was what I needed to change my whole life.

Here are 3 tips for making the leap!

Tip #1: Know your number.

  • What number do you need, bottom line, every single month?

  • Give yourself a good, great, and awesome goal if you want, but knowing this single number brings power and clarity.

I decided to build out businesses before I became a mother for the choices I knew in my core I would want to have. It was like my soul demanding this of me without the proof or the baby yet. I just knew what I had to do. And to be real, NOTHING was more motivating to me.

Tip #2: What is your highest motivation or motivator?

  • This is the thing that literally no one can rip from your hands.

  • Because it will get hard, and there will be tears, but if nothing can touch THIS….golden.

  • Know to your core what your highest motivator is. Write it down and describe the vision of it.

Knowing what was driving me and why made the doubters, dream stealers, and even people who left my life over my choices pale in comparison to what I was working so hard for.

I would need the rock-solid commitment to my future motherhood more than accolades, acceptance, or praises.

I put in the time for two years and then our son, Barnes, was born. I was with him every single day until he turned one. We then got 2 days a week of childcare which we wanted and could afford, and I hopped into my new normal life.

It was worth it, and while I know my story is not for everyone I’m shining my light out to the person who maybe could care less about five-figure months and could use a reminder in the power of a four-figure month.

“I would need the rock-solid commitment to my future motherhood more than accolades, acceptance, or praises.”

Tip #3: Think ahead 5 years with me right now.

  • Where do you want to be?

  • Who do you want to be?

  • What choices do you want to have?

Let’s dream and then get to work! I’m getting after it with JOY right alongside you.

Was this helpful, motivating, and encouraging? I sure do hope so.

Creating space for your truth, delivering the resources you are needing, and getting you closer to the results you desire is my highest goal. This isn’t easy work, but it is GOOD work.

About Me


Hi, I’m Rachel. I've always been focused on the possibilities of living a quietly courageous life.

I am a Gentle Business & Sales Mentor. I offer a softer, simpler approach to marketing and building your brand.

I live outside of Richmond, VA with my husband, our 4-lb toy poodle, and our two children.


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